By placing the device both inside the bone and outside the leg, the extension process is performed with the help of a metal key for an average of 2-3 months. After the desired amount of elongation is achieved, the fixator on the outside of the leg is removed.
Is a method that has been used in lengthening recently and contains a self-extendable magnetic nail. The bone is lengthened by the remote control interacting with the magnets inside the nail.
Is a closed-method system and the extension process is performed with a remote control. It is the most comfortable and high technology system in leg extension. Nothing is obvious from the outside and the patient can walk normally by putting his body weight on him immediately after the surgery. It is a high-cost method because the nails are produced individually.
After the patient’s treatment process is over and the bones are 100% fused, the nails are easily removed with a small operation and you can walk normally with your full load. Our patient can be discharged from the hospital the next day.