
Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Duration of Surgery

6 - 9 Hours

Hospital Accommodation


Hotel Accommodation

3 Nights


Local Anesthesia

Day 1
Arrival in Istanbul/Tekirdag

After landing at the airport, our transfer service will pick you up from the airport and drop you off at your hotel. The rest of the day is free for possible city tour. During this process, our client will be in contact with you whenever you want to receive information.

Day 2

The next morning, after the preliminary examination and laboratory control, the planned operation, which you are informed about, takes place. During this process, our client will continue to take care of you.

Day 3
Free Day

You are free all day today. Just remember the warnings of the physician and therapist concerned...

Day 4
Control and Return Home

After checking out from the hotel in the morning, you will go to the hospital with our private vehicle, and your final checks will be made. And if crusting has not occurred, you will be discharged after the first wash. Then you will be transferred to the airport with our private vehicle.

While this whole process is planned in general, we are at your service with SPECIAL PLANNINGS FOR YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS, full of advantages…

Page Content

Why does the hair fall out?
Hair loss may occur due to various reasons such as hormonal disorder, seasonal cycles, iron or vitamin deficiency, genetic predisposition. It is considered normal for adult individuals to shed 50-100 strands per day. Hair strands, which have a certain natural cycle, fall out on their own every 4-6 years, and then healthier hair comes out from the hair follicles. However, continuous and excessive hair loss can be a sign of serious diseases. At the same time, the causes of hair loss in men and women may differ. In men, genetic factors often play a role in hair loss after puberty. In women, chronic stress, hormonal disorders, unbalanced diet, various skin problems, cosmetic products and some drugs can cause hair loss. Hair loss may increase in women during childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause.
How Can Hair Loss Be Prevented?
It is of great importance to determine the main factors that cause hair loss in the prevention of hair loss. Different methods can be applied in the treatment process, which is recommended to be planned under the supervision of a dermatologist. Shampoo, cream, etc. compatible with the scalp. In addition to the use of cosmetic products, acquiring the right eating habits and supplementing the missing hormones or vitamins in the body can reduce hair loss. In hair loss that develops as a result of chronic diseases such as thyroid disorders, a plan should be made for the treatment of the disease. However, alternative treatment methods such as drug therapy, mesotherapy, PRP or hair transplantation are applied in direct proportion to the severity of hair loss.
What is Hair Transplantation?
According to the different needs of people, the recommended treatment methods and scope for hair loss may vary. As a treatment method offered as a solution to hair loss, hair transplantation is carried out in the form of transplanting hair follicles on the nape of the neck or in any part of the body to places where clarity and sparseness occur. In this procedure, which is performed by specialists in the operating room under sterile conditions, the openings in the crown and forehead are treated by removing the hair follicles from the stronger areas one by one after local anesthesia and planting them where needed. This process is not painful and can take about 4-6 hours depending on the size of the area to be planted. It is extremely important that the technique applied is correct, that the newly transplanted hair adapts to the scalp and grows in a healthy way. After the operation, it is recommended that the person rest at home for a few days and not go out. A few weeks after hair transplantation, the hair will fall out, but the hair follicles will remain in place. After this shedding hair, new hair will grow from the hair follicles that settle on the skin in a healthy way.
FUE (Follicular unit extraction) method
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) replaces the lost hair with healthy follicles taken from any part of the head. The procedure is done under local anesthesia to numb the area. FUE Hair Transplantation in Turkey is fast, easy and uncomplicated. It is also a short recovery period and patients can return to work a few days after surgery.
FUE procedure is safe and more popular than other hair transplantation methods. The doctor uses micro punches to remove the follicles and move them to the recipient area. Unfortunately, this process leaves a few removal marks behind.
FUE Hair Transplantation Techniques are an outpatient treatment method that will not interrupt your daily routine. However, you will not need to do rigorous exercise or submerge the area in water. The transplanted hair starts to grow again after 3 to 4 months.
The doctor starts by shaving the area to remove the hair follicles and the area for the hair transplant. He then makes small incisions in the recipient area with a needle or sharp instruments. Finally, he will insert the follicles into the incision and bandage the area for healing.
Sapphire method
New technology paves the way for new and innovative hair transplantation techniques. Sapphire method is a modern hair transplant technique that results in a natural look. The surgeon uses Sapphire blades with smooth and sharp surfaces for less vibration when making the cut.
This increases the comfort of the patient during the healing process. In addition, since Sapphire is more durable than steel, the hair transplant method becomes more accessible. For this reason, the material of the equipment used for hair transplant treatment is important in terms of the success rate of the operation.
Sapphire tools have a V-shaped appearance for more accurate cuts, helping to shrink the channels. Creating small channels reduces damage and scarring to neighboring follicles. Therefore, Sapphire hair transplant procedure is suitable for those who suffer from hair loss.
DHI method
Both men and women experience hair loss throughout their lives. Thanks to modern technology that makes room for hair transplantation. There are different procedural methods that will help cover baldness.
DHI is among the best hair transplant methods. It is a modified version of the FUE procedure. However, it is faster than the FUE method and provides quick recovery.
The surgeon removes the hair follicles using a Choi pen (implant device). It then inserts the wires directly into the receiving area. There is no need to make an incision in this method.
DHI hair transplantation is suitable as it reduces bleeding while creating the transplantation area. It also provides faster recovery in both the donor and recipient areas.
However, not everyone may be suitable for this hair transplant method. If you are under 25, this method should not be your option. It works well for people with thicker hair and a follicle density of less than 40 per square centimeter.
FUT (follicular unit transplantation) method
This technique is a traditional hair restoration technique. Unfortunately, it is an outdated option that has lost its validity in recent years. In this procedure, the surgeon does not need to shave the entire scalp, just the donor area. They then remove a 6 to 10 inch piece of scalp from the back of your head and close the area with stitches.
The surgeon’s team then divides the removed scalp strip into 500 to 2,000 small grafts. These grafts may contain only one or a few hairs. Next, the surgeon makes small holes in your scalp, inserts hair grafts into these holes, and then covers the surgical area with bandages. FUT leaves linear scars that will fade over time but not completely disappear.
FUE DHI Sapphire
Do scars remain in the places from which the hair is taken? No No No
Do scars remain in the places where you are transplanted? Low chance Unnoticeable Unnoticeable
Saving the transplanted area Avg. 7 Days Avg. 2 Days Avg. 2 Days
Saving the donor site Avg. 7 Days Avg. 7 Days Avg. 7 Days
Bleeding Average Very low Very low
Follicle implantation in the hairy area? Not applicable Applicable Applicable

Before and After Hair Transplant


Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

Country Price
USA 4.000-15.000 $
England 3.000-7.000 £
Germany 5.000-7.500 €
France 6.000-8.000 €
Spain 4.000-6.000 €
Turkey 2.500-4.500 €
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to fill in baldness caused by hair loss by transplanting hair follicles into the bald areas.
Hair transplantation is performed by using a special technique to extract hair follicles and transplant them into the area where they will be transplanted. This is done as a surgical intervention, with anesthesia being applied.
There may be pain during hair transplantation. However, the intensity and duration of this pain may vary depending on the individual’s pain threshold. Anesthesia is also used during hair transplantation to try to reduce the pain.
After hair transplantation, it is necessary to wait for a period of time for the hair to grow back. This period is usually completed within 2-3 months, and the hair is expected to start growing again.
The hair follicles transplanted during hair transplantation are not affected by the causes of hair loss. Therefore, the hair does not fall out again after hair transplantation.