


Scoliosis is basically accepted as “curvature of the spine”, the name of which we have been hearing more frequently recently. This disease, which is usually diagnosed during growth periods, can affect the life of the person in a very negative way if early treatment is not in question.
Scoliosis, which occurs as a result of the spine bending to the right or left side; It affects the hips, rib cage, and shoulder blades.
What is Scoliosis?
It is possible to liken our spine to a strong bridge that largely carries our body weight. Our spine, which lies between our legs and our head, consists of bones called vertebrae. The bones in question have a chance to be attached to each other thanks to the joint, disc or connective tissues. The spinal cord, which is considered the most key element of the central nervous system, is also located in this region. A healthy spine affects our movements and quality of life in a very positive way.
Our spine should be straight when looking from front to back or back to front. When viewed from the side, they have physiological, that is, normal curvatures. The bending of the spine in anteroposterior view is called scoliosis. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (adolescent scoliosis) is most common. Although the spine is expressed as similar to the letters C or S with this disorder, we do not prefer to use these terms today.
Usually this is noticed by parents. This obvious curvature of the spine to the side begins in adolescence. About 3 out of every 100 adolescents in the world face this problem. The causes of Adolescent Scoliosis cannot be determined concretely most of the time.
In scoliosis, the slope is over 10 degrees. In a healthy spine, the vertebrae extend downward in a straight line at the back. In scoliosis, this straight line begins to deteriorate and the vertebrae begin to shift from right to left over time. Structural scoliosis, which is caused by the rotation of the vertebrae around its own axis, also causes shifts in the rib cage, chest and even the hip region, apart from the spine.
Scoliosis, which causes both posture and a serious visual impairment, creates more serious consequences as age progresses. Although the incidence in girls varies according to age and degree of curvature, it is at least 3-4 times higher than in boys.
Causes of Scoliosis
  • Congenital problems in the bone structure of the spine
  • The presence of various infantile and juvenile muscle diseases (cerbral palsy, muscular dystrophy, etc.)
  • Some connective tissue diseases
  • Inequalities in the legs
  • Problems with the hip and knee joint
Scoliosis Surgery
Surgical method is considered as an important option in the treatment of scoliosis; however, as we mentioned above, this is an option that is used in case of need. If no improvement is detected in the patient who has been followed for a certain period despite the exercise methods and the presence of the brace, it may be possible to choose surgery depending on the degree of curvature. Since degrees such as 40-50 begin to threaten the quality of life of the person in the future at a very serious level, surgery is applied when these levels are reached.
Of course, only the angle of the curvature is not effective in the decision of surgery. In addition, the decision is made according to the mood, age and other special health problems of the patient. Curvatures during puberty usually do not harm the heart or lung systems; but it is not easy to say this for older ages.
There are two different approaches before the surgery. We can list these as posterior and anterior interference. The dorsal region is fully utilized for posterior intervention. As a result of surgical methods, it is aimed to stop the progression of the curvature and to obtain the best possible cosmetic appearance. It is important to protect the spinal cord during the operation. For this, a neuromonitor must be used.
Is Scoliosis Improved With Exercise?
An exercise program is definitely given in the treatment processes of scoliosis. The need or intensity of exercise is entirely related to the level of disease progression. Thanks to exercise therapy, support is provided in stopping and slowing the progress. Exercises alone do not stop the progression of scoliosis.
Does Scoliosis Progress Over Time?
Unfortunately, scoliosis shows a certain increase with growth. Since it is not at a level that threatens the quality of life most of the time in childhood, surgical intervention is not required, but the curvature may increase over time. Curvatures above a certain degree continue to progress in adulthood.
When Should Scoliosis Be Operated?
Scoliosis is a disease that can be intervened at any age. Surgical intervention can be performed at any age, depending on the progress. While surgery is generally recommended for curves above 40 degrees, surgery can be performed regardless of the degree of curvature in patients with rapid progression.
Recovery process after scoliosis surgery
Hospital stay 5 days; It takes 2-3 weeks for patients to return to daily life.