
Eyebrow Lift

Eyebrow Lift

Duration of Surgery

1-2 Hours

Hospital Accommodation

1 Night

Hotel Accommodation

1 Night


Local or General Anesthesia

If you are looking for a quick solution to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and lines in your brow, you should consider getting a brow lift. Brow lift can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the situation.
What is Brow Lift?
A brow lift is a surgical procedure that involves vertically repositioning and tightening the facial muscles just above the eyebrows. The procedure is done under local or general anesthesia and usually takes about an hour to complete.
This surgery can be combined with other techniques such as a face lift or neck lift to achieve better results. In addition, brow lift surgery can be performed on any patient with excess, wrinkled and loose forehead skin or with eyebrows far below the forehead.
Also, patients with droopy eyelids may also benefit from a brow lift, as this surgery will put the eyelids in a more natural position. However, patients should carefully consider their options before making this decision, as there are other options besides this surgery that can address many of these problems.
Types of Eyebrow Lift Procedures
There are several different types of eyebrow lifts. The type you choose will depend on your individual needs and surgical goals:
Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift
Endoscopic eyebrow lift is done from the inside through the incisions hidden in the hairline. Tightens the upper and lower eyelids. It is usually performed in young patients who have not developed excess skin on the forehead.
It can tighten the saggy neck skin with other face lift or neck lift procedures.
Traditional Coronal Eyebrow Lift
The traditional coronal eyebrow lift is a procedure that involves incisions made at the hairline to elevate the forehead and upper eyelids. During this surgery, sutures are placed under the skin to bring the muscles, forehead tissues and eyes to a younger position.
As a result of this procedure, depending on the changes in the patient’s facial features, a better appearance is obtained in areas such as the eyes, cheeks and upper lip.
The traditional coronal technique is performed under general anesthesia with an overnight stay in the hospital.
Patients experience swelling and bruising for several weeks after this procedure. Various short-term risks are also associated with this procedure, such as bleeding, infection, numbness or other nerve damage, and loss of eyebrow hair.
You can reduce the risks with proper care after surgery.
Trichophytic Eyebrow Lift
A trichophytic technique is an incision made at the hairline that tightens the skin and muscle in this area. The incision is usually made from the front of the hairline, but can also be made from behind the hairline. This procedure is performed on patients with deep lines between their eyebrows.
Temporary Eyebrow Lift
A temporary type is primarily used to improve the appearance of deep eyes. However, it can be used in conjunction with other facial procedures (such as a facelift) to address sagging skin around the upper eyelids and cheeks.
Therefore, for example, if you have had facelift surgery and you want more improvement in your eye area than can be achieved with this procedure alone, your doctor may recommend this procedure.
Temporary eyebrow lift is performed with an incision hidden in your hairline on both sides of your head. The incision extends over the ear and along the temple to its lower edge.
Smaller scars are created on both sides of the head where small incisions are made in the scalp during surgery so that the surgeon can remove the excess skin after healing has taken place.
Trans-Blepharoplasty Eyebrow Lift
Trans-blepharoplasty eyebrow lift works by repositioning the muscles that affect the shape of your eyelids. It can be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation or with general anesthesia.
How is the Eyebrow Lift Healing Process?
The recovery period after eyebrow lift is usually short and simple. You can return to work in a few days, but you should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting until your stitches are removed. Your doctor will give specific instructions based on the details of your surgery.
You should expect some bruising and swelling around your eyes after surgery, but most patients will see an improvement in their appearance soon after the procedure.
It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions closely during this time so that your recovery goes smoothly:
Keep your head elevated while sleeping for two days after the procedure. This helps reduce swelling around the eyes and relieves pain in the area of the scalp where the stitches were removed during surgery.
Avoid activities that may cause trauma or cuts (for example, sports or contact sports)
Apply ice packs every few hours 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling around the eyes and around the face, especially if you have an open eyebrow lift. Use warm compresses when applying ice packs so that the skin does not become too cold and numb before the treatment is complete; this can cause permanent damage.
What is the Best Age for Brow Lift?
The most suitable age for surgery is between 40 and 60. This is because the eyebrows often start to go down and the skin around the eyes begins to lose its elasticity.
The face will also begin to sag, so this may be a good time for all facial rejuvenation procedures, including brow lifts.
If the patient is older than 60 years, the results will not be as good as in younger patients as the skin does not heal as it loses its elasticity with age.