
Prostate Surgery

Prostate Surgery

Cancer that develops in the prostate gland tissue is called “prostate cancer”. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Western countries.
The reasons for its formation have not been fully explained, but it is known that the probability of developing prostate cancer increases with age in men. Although it is usually detected in men over the age of 65, it can be said that the risk increases from the age of 50. If a close male relative (father, brother, uncle, etc.) has prostate cancer, the incidence of prostate cancer in that person is higher than normal.
Treatment results of prostate cancer, especially detected in the early stages, are generally satisfactory. The feature that distinguishes prostate cancer from some other cancers is that it has a slow course and variable behavior.
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Treatment approaches may differ according to the stage and degree of the disease. Treatment methods can be applied alone, together, sequentially and alternatively, depending on the patient’s condition or disease level. In some patients, active surveillance without treatment may be offered as an option.
After the necessary diagnostic examinations, most patients are treated with one of the following methods:
  • Surgical treatment (da Vinci robotic radical prostatectomy, open radical prostatectomy)
  • Radiation therapy (radiotherapy, brachytherapy)
  • Focal therapy (HIFU, cryotherapy)
  • Drug therapy (hormone therapy, chemotherapy).
What is Prostate Surgery?
In prostate enlargement (BPH), patients who do not respond to drug treatment, who initially respond to drug treatment, but whose drug becomes insufficient over time and cannot use drugs due to side effects, can be treated with prostate surgery.
In addition, depending on prostate enlargement; Prostate surgery should also be planned for patients with stones in their bladder, recurrent bleeding from the urinary tract, frequent urinary tract infections, and those who cannot empty their urine at all.
In determining the prostate surgery method, the patient’s age, medications, additional diseases and prostate size are taken into account.
Surgical treatment of prostate enlargement
There are classical methods (transurethral resection of the prostate and open prostatectomy) and laser methods.
How is Prostate Surgery Performed?
Transurethral Prostate Resection (TUR-P):
In the transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P) operation, the prostate tissue is burned from the inside with the help of electrical energy and removed in small pieces. Since the risk of bleeding is high in this surgery, the blood thinners (antiaggregant-coagulant) drugs that the patient has to use, if any, are discontinued 1 week in advance and can be restarted at the earliest 1 week after the surgery. After the procedure, the patient should stay with the catheter for at least 3-4 days.
Open Prostatectomy:
Prostate size 100 gr. and above, open prostate surgery can be applied. In this surgery, the bladder is opened along with the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the patient and the prostate is removed with the help of fingers.
Since the bleeding rates are quite high during this surgery, blood support may be required frequently. After the procedure, the patient should stay with the catheter for at least 1 week. In addition, the hospital stay is longer than other methods.
Laser in Prostate Surgery:
With the use of laser in urology, surgical operations have started to be performed by using laser in prostate surgery.